Customised Employment
People with disability of working age are twice as likely to be unemployed as those without disability. A jaw-dropping 93% of people with disability report experiencing difficulties finding employment. For those who are employed, 1 in 10 are underemployed, meaning they work less than 34 hours a week and have capacity and desire to increase their hours. Shockingly, the labour force participation of people with disability has remained largely unchanged since 2003! We are committed to changing this and closing the workforce participation gap using a Customised Employment approach. We know when people with disability are employed they have a greater quality of life, improved self-confidence and feel a sense of belonging to their community. We believe that everyone who wants to work can work, they just need to be given the opportunity to find work that is right for them. Sources: Australian Government Institute of Health and Welfare,; Australian Human Rights Commission, CUSTOMISED EMPLOYMENTCustomised employment is an evidence-based approach to achieving sustainable work for people with disabilities. Instead of trying to fit people into existing jobs, a job is custom-made for a person based on their strengths, interests and support needs. Customised employment is not a set program. It is a flexible, person-centred process that is different for each person taking part in it. The first, and most important, step in the customised employment process is discovery. Discovery is the foundation on which the rest of the customised employment process sits if time is not spent getting to know a person and understanding their strengths and interests, building their skills, and identifying their support needs, it is not possible to create their ideal work role and provide the necessary conditions for success. This strong foundation is why customised employment works. Roles created through customised employment are sustainable because people are motivated to work in a role that meets their needs and the needs of their employer and the community. These roles are meaningful because people feel that there is purpose and value in what they do. They develop a strong sense of identity and feel connected to the community around them. Outcomes of customised employment fit within two main categories: Job Carving and Microenterprise. For a step-by-step diagram of the Customised Employment process see our Resources tab. |