A storefront displaying bright and colourful microenterprise creations in the windows. There is a MEP a-frame sign in the doorway.


  • Work with Microenterprise owners with disability to achieve their employment goals.
  • Promote and celebrate the employment success of people with disability.
  • Work with businesses and organisations to improve the access for people with disability to be employed and/or enter their supply chains.
  • To facilitate the exchange of experience, skills and resources between people with disabilities from a peer perspective and a wider community perspective.


  • A microenterprise or employment must deliver on the person's values, providing they are legal.
  • We will not highlight any individual unless their employment is sustainable and meets their values.
  • We strive to continually build the capacity of the people we work with, in order to minimise the amount of support they require to have meaningful employment.
  • The person with disability is at the centre of everything we do. Their voice shall be what guides us and ultimately has the greatest weight in all decision making.
  • We use supported decision making practices and strive to promote these wherever possible.
  • We seek to include the input and experience of people's formal and informal supports as appropriate.
  • We acknowledge and honour the fundamental value and dignity of all individuals. We believe in the creation and maintenance of an environment that respects diverse abilities, traditions, heritages and experiences.
  • We do what we say we will do and are transparent in all our activities.
  • We will never seek to make a revenue directly from a person's microenterprise or wage unless it is to pay for an expense directly related to the person.
  • We will promote and advocate for a community that is diverse and inclusive of all people.